This is a short post on how to count your followers on Kaggle, and who the current Kagglers are with the largest following. It also serves as preparation for my next blog post in which I will practice some network analysis on the table that we’ll create in this post.
Kaggle, true to form as the home of data science and machine learning on the internet, provides a lot of information on the activity of the community in the appropriately named Meta Kaggle dataset. Here you can find tables for all the notebooks, datasets, or discussions on the platform. And much more. Many insightful notebooks are built on Meta Kaggle, and many datasets, such as Hidden Gems and its summary notebook, are linked to it.
Let’s get started with our set of standard tabular reading and wrangling libraries:
libs <- c('dplyr', 'tibble', # wrangling
'lubridate', # datetime
'tidyr', 'gt', # wrangling, table styling
'vroom', 'readr') # read & write data
invisible(lapply(libs, library, character.only = TRUE))
Follow the white rabbit
The wondrous land of Kaggle community connections is chiefly contained in the file UserFollowers.csv. Let’s download and read it:
follow <- vroom("../../static/files/UserFollowers.csv", col_types = cols())
Here are the first few rows of that table:
follow |>
head(10) |>
gt() |>
Id | UserId | FollowingUserId | CreationDate |
64 | 368 | 993 | 05/23/2017 |
122289 | 368 | 67483 | 08/07/2018 |
323230 | 368 | 1663522 | 09/18/2019 |
412502 | 368 | 1302389 | 03/08/2020 |
447841 | 368 | 391404 | 04/27/2020 |
798317 | 368 | 769452 | 06/21/2021 |
851009 | 421 | 1053193 | 08/18/2021 |
851010 | 421 | 727004 | 08/18/2021 |
970078 | 421 | 656212 | 01/11/2022 |
448467 | 440 | 473824 | 04/27/2020 |
It is constructed from the point of view of the individual user, and their UserId
and CreationDate
(i.e join date), which has decided to follow other Kagglers with a certain FollowingUserId
. So if we want to aggregate it from the point of view of the Kagglers that are being followed, we count the FollowingUserId
The goal is to have a table of the top 500 followed Kagglers. But we also want to join this table later to another table that contains more user info; but that doesn’t have some Kagglers that no longer have an account on the platform (for whichever reason). So we’re being a bit more generous and start with the top 700 here. The first 5 rows of that table look as follows:
top500 <- follow |>
count(FollowingUserId, sort = TRUE) |>
slice_head(n = 700)
top500 |>
head(5) |>
FollowingUserId | n |
5309 | 17091 |
71388 | 13855 |
708283 | 13307 |
1723677 | 11885 |
54836 | 10829 |
The most popular Kagglers have more than 10,000 followers. That’s very impressive! But who exactly are they? This table only contains their user ID. If you’re on Kaggle, then you might have an idea of who might be hiding behind these numbers. But we’d like to know for sure. This is where another Meta Kaggle table comes to the rescue.
Join the fun
What we need is the Users.csv, which contains the details for each of the (more than 10 million!) Kagglers. (This is a large file, and I recommend downloading the most recent version). Let’s read that in as well:
users <- vroom("./Users.csv", col_types = cols())
The user ID here is encoded as Id
, and we also have the UserName
(your unique user name), DisplayName
(how your name is shown on your Kaggle profile, can be changed), and the date of joining Kaggle (RegisterDate
) together with the current PerformanceTier
. The latter goes from 0 to 4 for Novice, Contributor, Expert, Master, and Grandmaster; with tier 5 indicating a member of the Kaggle team.
Here are some sample rows, which already contain a number of familiar names:
users |>
head(50) |>
gt() |>
opt_row_striping() |>
tab_options(container.height = px(400))
Id | UserName | DisplayName | RegisterDate | PerformanceTier |
1 | kaggleteam | Kaggle Team | 03/24/2011 | 5 |
368 | antgoldbloom | Anthony Goldbloom | 01/20/2010 | 2 |
808 | alexxanderlarko | Alexander Larko | 05/14/2010 | 4 |
993 | benhamner | Ben Hamner | 05/31/2010 | 3 |
1455 | mjahrer | Michael Jahrer | 06/25/2010 | 4 |
1902 | solorzano | José H. Solórzano | 07/21/2010 | 4 |
1988 | jasonbrownlee | Jason Brownlee | 07/31/2010 | 2 |
2036 | konradb | Konrad Banachewicz | 08/03/2010 | 4 |
2140 | dslate | David J. Slate | 08/05/2010 | 4 |
2242 | domcastro | Bluefool | 08/08/2010 | 4 |
3090 | dyakonov | Alexander D'yakonov | 09/28/2010 | 4 |
3256 | jhoward | Jeremy Howard | 10/13/2010 | 4 |
3258 | wcukierski | Will Cukierski | 10/13/2010 | 5 |
3346 | ejlok1 | Eu Jin Lok | 10/21/2010 | 4 |
4398 | ccccat | Sergey Yurgenson | 12/02/2010 | 4 |
5309 | abhishek | Abhishek Thakur | 01/12/2011 | 4 |
5642 | blindape | José A. Guerrero | 01/27/2011 | 4 |
6234 | martinpiotte | Martin Piotte | 02/12/2011 | 0 |
6388 | confirm | Kohei | 02/16/2011 | 4 |
6696 | zachmayer | Zach | 03/02/2011 | 4 |
7756 | owenzhang1 | Owen | 04/04/2011 | 4 |
8507 | antorsae | Andres Torrubia | 04/05/2011 | 3 |
9028 | dansbecker | DanB | 04/06/2011 | 4 |
9766 | breakfastpirate | BreakfastPirate | 04/14/2011 | 4 |
9974 | gertjac | Gert | 04/19/2011 | 4 |
10171 | dynamic24 | dynamic24 | 04/23/2011 | 4 |
14756 | nigelcarpenter | Nigel Carpenter | 08/17/2011 | 3 |
16295 | pjreddie | pjreddie | 09/12/2011 | 2 |
17379 | xavierconort | Xavier Conort | 09/23/2011 | 4 |
18102 | gaborfodor | beluga | 10/05/2011 | 4 |
18463 | mathurinache | Mathurin Aché | 10/11/2011 | 3 |
19099 | alexryzhkov | Alexander Ryzhkov | 10/22/2011 | 4 |
19298 | lucamassaron | Luca Massaron | 10/26/2011 | 4 |
19390 | lopuhin | Konstantin Lopuhin | 10/27/2011 | 4 |
19605 | jeongyoonlee | Jeong-Yoon Lee | 11/01/2011 | 3 |
23583 | claytonmiller | Clayton Miller | 11/17/2011 | 2 |
24266 | leustagos | Leustagos | 11/22/2011 | 4 |
26782 | paweljankiewicz | Paweł Jankiewicz | 12/13/2011 | 4 |
29346 | efimov | Dmitry Efimov | 01/12/2012 | 4 |
29756 | qwang88 | Qingchen | 01/17/2012 | 4 |
32300 | tqchen | Tianqi Chen | 02/22/2012 | 3 |
35069 | takiba | iwiwi | 03/12/2012 | 4 |
35609 | gmobaz | gmobaz | 03/17/2012 | 3 |
37166 | philippsinger | Psi | 03/29/2012 | 4 |
37594 | wendykan | Wendy Kan | 04/01/2012 | 3 |
41959 | thakurrajanand | DataGeek | 05/03/2012 | 3 |
42188 | joseffeigl | Josef Feigl | 05/05/2012 | 4 |
42245 | goldenlock | gezi | 05/06/2012 | 3 |
47226 | anttip | anttip | 06/19/2012 | 3 |
48625 | mlandry | mlandry | 07/01/2012 | 4 |
Now we’re joining this table to our followers ranking on "FollowingUserId" = "Id"
, and take the top 500 users that are present in both tables:
top500 <- top500 |>
left_join(users, by = c("FollowingUserId" = "Id")) |>
filter(! |>
slice_head(n = 500) |>
This is the result, the full table of the top 500 followed Kaggle users, ranked by number of followers:
top500 |>
select(rank, UserName, DisplayName, RegisterDate, n) |>
gt() |>
opt_row_striping() |>
tab_options(container.height = px(400))
rank | UserName | DisplayName | RegisterDate | n |
1 | abhishek | Abhishek Thakur | 01/12/2011 | 17091 |
2 | sudalairajkumar | SRK | 11/28/2012 | 13855 |
3 | bestfitting | bestfitting | 09/07/2016 | 13307 |
4 | cdeotte | Chris Deotte | 03/14/2018 | 11885 |
5 | titericz | Giba | 08/23/2012 | 10829 |
6 | jessemostipak | Jesse Mostipak | 02/11/2020 | 9686 |
7 | headsortails | Heads or Tails | 04/09/2017 | 9351 |
8 | rtatman | Rachael Tatman | 07/10/2017 | 9127 |
9 | tunguz | Bojan Tunguz | 09/11/2015 | 8669 |
10 | dansbecker | DanB | 04/06/2011 | 8452 |
11 | kanncaa1 | DATAI | 07/06/2017 | 7605 |
12 | mrisdal | Meg Risdal | 12/29/2015 | 6852 |
13 | cpmpml | CPMP | 12/16/2012 | 5931 |
14 | christofhenkel | Dieter | 11/17/2017 | 5517 |
15 | hengck23 | | 07/11/2013 | 5244 |
16 | philippsinger | Psi | 03/29/2012 | 5232 |
17 | alexisbcook | Alexis Cook | 12/11/2018 | 5013 |
18 | kazanova | Μαριος Μιχαηλιδης KazAnova | 06/24/2013 | 4621 |
19 | wowfattie | Guanshuo Xu | 12/02/2015 | 4621 |
20 | shivamb | Shivam Bansal | 01/22/2018 | 4543 |
21 | jhoward | Jeremy Howard | 10/13/2010 | 4498 |
22 | usharengaraju | Tensor Girl | 06/27/2015 | 4270 |
23 | artgor | Andrew Lukyanenko | 09/24/2016 | 4180 |
24 | anokas | anokas | 01/16/2016 | 4017 |
25 | parulpandey | Parul Pandey | 07/26/2015 | 3974 |
26 | gpreda | Gabriel Preda | 10/27/2016 | 3961 |
27 | ruchi798 | Ruchi Bhatia | 06/04/2019 | 3924 |
28 | andradaolteanu | Andrada Olteanu | 08/09/2019 | 3847 |
29 | zusmani | Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani | 04/19/2016 | 3669 |
30 | rohanrao | Vopani | 07/09/2013 | 3359 |
31 | colinmorris | ColinMorris | 11/25/2015 | 3280 |
32 | kenjee | Ken Jee | 06/28/2020 | 3162 |
33 | kashnitsky | Yury Kashnitsky | 03/27/2014 | 2730 |
34 | frtgnn | Firat Gonen | 10/07/2018 | 2556 |
35 | psilogram | Silogram | 12/09/2012 | 2552 |
36 | mjahrer | Michael Jahrer | 06/25/2010 | 2508 |
37 | raddar | raddar | 08/24/2015 | 2414 |
38 | janiobachmann | Janio Martinez Bachmann | 09/03/2017 | 2351 |
39 | mpwolke | Marília Prata | 03/29/2019 | 2322 |
40 | allunia | Laura Fink | 11/04/2015 | 2200 |
41 | zfturbo | ZFTurbo | 11/08/2015 | 2169 |
42 | gaborfodor | beluga | 10/05/2011 | 2133 |
43 | ogrellier | olivier | 01/02/2016 | 2111 |
44 | arthurtok | Anisotropic | 09/25/2016 | 2027 |
45 | kabure | Leonardo Ferreira | 05/29/2017 | 2003 |
46 | sushize | Shize Su | 02/06/2014 | 1989 |
47 | aerdem4 | Ahmet Erdem | 11/22/2015 | 1958 |
48 | stasg7 | Stanislav Semenov | 12/13/2013 | 1926 |
49 | onodera | ONODERA | 03/24/2015 | 1911 |
50 | willkoehrsen | Will Koehrsen | 03/20/2017 | 1895 |
51 | tanulsingh077 | Mr_KnowNothing | 02/04/2019 | 1819 |
52 | robikscube | Rob Mulla | 06/18/2016 | 1799 |
53 | residentmario | Aleksey Bilogur | 10/15/2016 | 1765 |
54 | subinium | Subin An | 01/07/2019 | 1764 |
55 | andrewmvd | Larxel | 11/15/2016 | 1740 |
56 | pmarcelino | Pedro Marcelino, PhD | 03/15/2014 | 1717 |
57 | serigne | Serigne | 03/18/2017 | 1680 |
58 | kyakovlev | Konstantin Yakovlev | 10/25/2018 | 1676 |
59 | confirm | Kohei | 02/16/2011 | 1649 |
60 | kmader | K Scott Mader | 11/04/2012 | 1614 |
61 | mjbahmani | MJ Bahmani | 04/20/2018 | 1611 |
62 | karnikakapoor | Karnika Kapoor | 06/27/2019 | 1601 |
63 | jesucristo | Nanashi | 02/04/2019 | 1596 |
64 | tarunpaparaju | Tarun Paparaju | 10/22/2017 | 1590 |
65 | jiweiliu | Jiwei Liu | 05/09/2013 | 1547 |
66 | pengyan | Eureka | 02/28/2014 | 1544 |
67 | paultimothymooney | Paul Mooney | 10/05/2017 | 1528 |
68 | benhamner | Ben Hamner | 05/31/2010 | 1526 |
69 | prashant111 | Prashant Banerjee | 05/17/2018 | 1486 |
70 | iglovikov | Vladimir Iglovikov | 01/28/2015 | 1465 |
71 | gogo827jz | Yirun Zhang | 05/04/2019 | 1393 |
72 | haqishen | Qishen Ha | 10/22/2015 | 1357 |
73 | dyakonov | Alexander D'yakonov | 09/28/2010 | 1346 |
74 | selimsef | Selim Seferbekov | 02/20/2016 | 1334 |
75 | mariofilho | Mario Filho | 06/08/2013 | 1329 |
76 | jpmiller | JohnM | 05/31/2015 | 1319 |
77 | yasufuminakama | Y.Nakama | 03/06/2018 | 1267 |
78 | erikbruin | Erik Bruin | 11/24/2017 | 1243 |
79 | inversion | inversion | 09/21/2012 | 1232 |
80 | konradb | Konrad Banachewicz | 08/03/2010 | 1230 |
81 | dott1718 | dott | 02/14/2013 | 1181 |
82 | gunesevitan | Gunes Evitan | 01/15/2019 | 1177 |
83 | youhanlee | YouHan Lee | 07/05/2017 | 1162 |
84 | jessicali9530 | Jessica Li | 03/29/2018 | 1154 |
85 | vbmokin | Vitalii Mokin | 04/07/2018 | 1138 |
86 | mmueller | Faron | 06/23/2014 | 1134 |
87 | ekrembayar | Ekrem Bayar | 05/03/2017 | 1119 |
88 | speculation | idle_speculation | 07/13/2013 | 1105 |
89 | xiaozhouwang | Little Boat | 04/20/2014 | 1101 |
90 | shixw125 | weiwei | 04/16/2016 | 1066 |
91 | shentao | SeuTao | 04/16/2017 | 1062 |
92 | wcukierski | Will Cukierski | 10/13/2010 | 1057 |
93 | ryanholbrook | Ryan Holbrook | 06/19/2018 | 1038 |
94 | mathurinache | Mathurin Aché | 10/11/2011 | 1024 |
95 | xhlulu | xhlulu | 10/12/2018 | 1022 |
96 | xvivancos | Xavier | 07/06/2017 | 1001 |
97 | krishnaik06 | Krish Naik | 06/06/2018 | 999 |
98 | carloshuertas | NxGTR | 11/25/2014 | 997 |
99 | antgoldbloom | Anthony Goldbloom | 01/20/2010 | 996 |
100 | alexxanderlarko | Alexander Larko | 05/14/2010 | 990 |
101 | plantsgo | plantsgo | 10/12/2016 | 986 |
102 | nguyenbadung | DungNB | 11/06/2017 | 977 |
103 | faressayah | Fares Sayah | 06/18/2019 | 977 |
104 | bishwarup | Bishwarup B | 02/25/2015 | 968 |
105 | santiagomota | Santiago Mota | 02/26/2013 | 948 |
106 | ash316 | Ashwini Swain | 10/05/2016 | 947 |
107 | iafoss | Iafoss | 08/12/2017 | 943 |
108 | startupsci | Manav Sehgal | 11/28/2016 | 932 |
109 | outrunner | outrunner | 02/28/2017 | 931 |
110 | carlmcbrideellis | Carl McBride Ellis | 11/17/2019 | 931 |
111 | pavansanagapati | Pavan Sanagapati | 01/18/2018 | 930 |
112 | dmytropoplavskiy | Dmytro Poplavskiy | 10/07/2016 | 927 |
113 | poonaml | Poonam Ligade | 01/02/2015 | 916 |
114 | yassineghouzam | Yassine Ghouzam | 07/06/2017 | 911 |
115 | lucamassaron | Luca Massaron | 10/26/2011 | 903 |
116 | crawford | Chris Crawford | 12/09/2015 | 896 |
117 | brandenkmurray | Branden Murray | 12/21/2013 | 894 |
118 | sasrdw | Russ Wolfinger | 07/30/2015 | 892 |
119 | alijs1 | alijs | 07/20/2016 | 892 |
120 | init27 | Sanyam Bhutani | 04/04/2018 | 889 |
121 | lavanyashukla01 | Lavanya Shukla | 02/23/2018 | 876 |
122 | tvdwiele | Tom Van de Wiele | 04/11/2016 | 868 |
123 | pudae81 | pudae | 01/01/2017 | 863 |
124 | mathormad | KeepLearning | 04/24/2017 | 862 |
125 | dmitrylarko | Dmitry Larko | 10/20/2012 | 861 |
126 | upadorprofzs | Murilão | 09/20/2019 | 850 |
127 | shonenkov | Alex Shonenkov | 05/17/2018 | 825 |
128 | shujian | Shujian Liu | 02/05/2016 | 822 |
129 | owenzhang1 | Owen | 04/04/2011 | 820 |
130 | pavelost | Pavel Ostyakov | 02/23/2016 | 817 |
131 | wendykan | Wendy Kan | 04/01/2012 | 789 |
132 | drn01z3 | n01z3 | 08/27/2015 | 780 |
133 | andreshg | AndresHG | 07/25/2019 | 780 |
134 | yogeshtak | Yogesh Tak | 12/01/2018 | 778 |
135 | fatihozturk | Fatih Ozturk | 01/11/2017 | 774 |
136 | mobassir | Mobassir | 07/01/2018 | 772 |
137 | theoviel | Theo Viel | 07/12/2018 | 772 |
138 | rsakata | Jack (Japan) | 02/26/2014 | 747 |
139 | phalanx | phalanx | 02/08/2018 | 745 |
140 | shtrausslearning | Andrey Shtrauss | 11/04/2020 | 741 |
141 | leecming | Chun Ming Lee | 04/18/2017 | 733 |
142 | limerobot | Limerobot | 02/22/2018 | 727 |
143 | its7171 | tito | 03/06/2016 | 726 |
144 | tilii7 | Tilii | 03/06/2016 | 723 |
145 | aharless | Andy Harless | 01/21/2017 | 708 |
146 | sishihara | u++ | 02/09/2018 | 691 |
147 | ashhafez | ash hafez | 11/04/2014 | 683 |
148 | ashishpatel26 | NowYSM | 01/07/2017 | 682 |
149 | lopuhin | Konstantin Lopuhin | 10/27/2011 | 681 |
150 | addisonhoward | Addison Howard | 05/26/2017 | 681 |
151 | thebrownviking20 | Siddharth Yadav | 12/20/2017 | 677 |
152 | sentdex | Sentdex | 09/26/2016 | 673 |
153 | khotijahs1 | Siti Khotijah | 11/30/2018 | 665 |
154 | ohseokkim | OH SEOK KIM | 04/25/2020 | 661 |
155 | isaienkov | Kostiantyn Isaienkov | 09/28/2016 | 649 |
156 | ilu000 | Ilu | 01/05/2019 | 647 |
157 | scirpus | Scirpus | 09/29/2014 | 643 |
158 | sohier | Sohier Dane | 06/19/2017 | 642 |
159 | ibtesama | Ibtesam Ahmed | 02/05/2018 | 638 |
160 | alexryzhkov | Alexander Ryzhkov | 10/22/2011 | 635 |
161 | adnanzaidi | Adnan Zaidi | 04/03/2018 | 635 |
162 | fchollet | fchollet | 09/01/2013 | 634 |
163 | nimashahbazi | Nima Shahbazi | 04/20/2015 | 630 |
164 | iamleonie | Leonie | 10/08/2019 | 626 |
165 | codename007 | Lathwal | 04/11/2017 | 621 |
166 | shaz13 | Mohammad Shahebaz | 07/08/2017 | 621 |
167 | pranav84 | Pranav Pandya | 10/08/2016 | 618 |
168 | fedesoriano | fedesoriano | 12/18/2020 | 618 |
169 | dschettler8845 | Darien Schettler | 02/14/2018 | 616 |
170 | dimitreoliveira | DimitreOliveira | 07/23/2017 | 612 |
171 | fabiendaniel | FabienDaniel | 12/07/2016 | 599 |
172 | shivavashishtha | Shiva Vashishtha | 04/27/2020 | 599 |
173 | yifanxie | Yifan Xie | 12/19/2013 | 596 |
174 | chenglongchen | ChenglongChen | 05/21/2013 | 594 |
175 | ihelon | Yaroslav Isaienkov | 10/05/2017 | 583 |
176 | awsaf49 | Awsaf | 08/12/2019 | 583 |
177 | remekkinas | Remek Kinas | 04/03/2020 | 579 |
178 | ryches | ryches | 04/21/2017 | 571 |
179 | ambrosm | AmbrosM | 07/16/2021 | 571 |
180 | jonathanbouchet | Jonathan Bouchet | 12/18/2015 | 570 |
181 | currypurin | currypurin | 03/04/2017 | 568 |
182 | alexanderliao | Liao | 10/12/2017 | 566 |
183 | kylelee | Kyle Lee | 12/30/2015 | 564 |
184 | nischaydnk | Nischay Dhankhar | 03/21/2020 | 562 |
185 | garybios | Gary | 09/16/2017 | 561 |
186 | senkin13 | senkin13 | 09/14/2016 | 560 |
187 | paweljankiewicz | Paweł Jankiewicz | 12/13/2011 | 558 |
188 | qqgeogor | qianqian | 08/26/2015 | 557 |
189 | hidehisaarai1213 | Hidehisa Arai | 12/12/2017 | 555 |
190 | vaillant | Ian Pan | 01/14/2015 | 550 |
191 | amyjang | Amy Jang | 05/29/2020 | 543 |
192 | juliaelliott | Julia Elliott | 05/03/2016 | 542 |
193 | mragpavank | PAVAN KUMAR D | 10/13/2018 | 538 |
194 | venheads | ValeriyBabushkin | 08/18/2016 | 530 |
195 | takuok | takuoko | 12/20/2016 | 530 |
196 | suicaokhoailang | Khoi Nguyen | 01/24/2018 | 529 |
197 | vahidehdashti | Vahideh Dashti | 07/10/2020 | 527 |
198 | h4211819 | 30CrMnSiA | 01/03/2017 | 526 |
199 | mlandry | mlandry | 07/01/2012 | 525 |
200 | mikeskim | Mike Kim | 10/22/2012 | 525 |
201 | michau96 | Michal Bogacz | 07/27/2018 | 524 |
202 | paulorzp | Paulo Pinto | 02/22/2016 | 521 |
203 | boliu0 | Bo | 06/11/2017 | 520 |
204 | omercolakoglu | Omer Colakoglu | 02/05/2018 | 517 |
205 | selfishgene | David Beniaguev | 09/27/2013 | 512 |
206 | shahules | Shahules | 04/20/2017 | 512 |
207 | khyeh0719 | khyeh | 09/13/2017 | 511 |
208 | aleksandradeis | Aleksandra Deis | 01/08/2018 | 510 |
209 | ambarish | Bukun | 05/27/2013 | 502 |
210 | odins0n | Sanskar Hasija | 02/09/2021 | 498 |
211 | pestipeti | Peter | 01/12/2017 | 497 |
212 | kelexu | Kele Xu | 02/23/2015 | 495 |
213 | imdevskp | Devakumar K. P. | 09/30/2017 | 494 |
214 | breakfastpirate | BreakfastPirate | 04/14/2011 | 493 |
215 | ddanevskyi | Dmytro Danevskyi | 01/25/2016 | 490 |
216 | timoboz | Timo Bozsolik | 03/31/2017 | 489 |
217 | philippsp | Philipp Spachtholz | 02/28/2017 | 487 |
218 | rdizzl3 | RDizzl3 | 02/08/2015 | 485 |
219 | darraghdog | Darragh | 07/03/2014 | 482 |
220 | yasserhessein | Yasir Hussein Shakir | 01/15/2020 | 481 |
221 | kerneler | Kaggle Kerneler | 07/19/2018 | 480 |
222 | seanjv | sjv | 11/28/2015 | 479 |
223 | jeffheaton | Jeff Heaton | 03/10/2014 | 476 |
224 | aakashnain | NAIN | 02/23/2016 | 474 |
225 | tivfrvqhs5 | David Austin | 01/29/2017 | 470 |
226 | khoongweihao | Wei Hao Khoong | 03/20/2018 | 470 |
227 | anasofiauzsoy | Ana Sofia Uzsoy | 05/12/2020 | 469 |
228 | shrutimechlearn | Shruti_Iyyer | 12/30/2016 | 468 |
229 | rjqian | Renjie Qian | 06/26/2017 | 468 |
230 | ybabakhin | Yauhen Babakhin | 03/04/2015 | 467 |
231 | heyytanay | Tanay Mehta | 07/10/2019 | 465 |
232 | fahadmehfoooz | Fahad Mehfooz | 07/23/2020 | 464 |
233 | tavoosi | Saba Tavoosi | 12/07/2018 | 463 |
234 | serkanpeldek | Serkan Peldek | 12/19/2017 | 462 |
235 | ishandutta | Ishan Dutta | 03/07/2020 | 460 |
236 | mchahhou | Chahhou Mohamed | 10/19/2013 | 458 |
237 | mamasinkgs | mamas | 10/23/2016 | 458 |
238 | maggiemd | Maggie | 03/29/2017 | 454 |
239 | keetar | keetar | 08/31/2016 | 452 |
240 | ragnar123 | Martin Kovacevic Buvinic | 08/24/2017 | 452 |
241 | mylesoneill | Myles O'Neill | 03/05/2015 | 451 |
242 | nullrecurrent | Jiayang Gao | 09/02/2019 | 451 |
243 | johnpateha | Evgeny Patekha | 02/04/2016 | 449 |
244 | datafan07 | Ertuğrul Demir | 03/05/2020 | 446 |
245 | arashnic | Möbius | 10/21/2016 | 443 |
246 | nyanpn | nyanp | 01/05/2018 | 442 |
247 | tqchen | Tianqi Chen | 02/22/2012 | 438 |
248 | kailex | kxx | 03/11/2013 | 436 |
249 | mikhailtrofimov | Mikhail Trofimov | 04/19/2013 | 435 |
250 | masumrumi | Masum Rumi | 08/18/2016 | 435 |
251 | vikasukani | Vikas Ukani | 07/17/2020 | 435 |
252 | ccccat | Sergey Yurgenson | 12/02/2010 | 432 |
253 | dwin183287 | Sharlto Cope | 04/09/2014 | 432 |
254 | debarshichanda | Debarshi Chanda | 04/14/2020 | 432 |
255 | pureheart | piupiu | 03/23/2016 | 430 |
256 | nvnnghia | nvnn | 11/27/2018 | 427 |
257 | gertjac | Gert | 04/19/2011 | 425 |
258 | rhtsingh | torch | 10/05/2017 | 425 |
259 | brendan45774 | Brenda N | 01/07/2019 | 420 |
260 | philculliton | Phil Culliton | 07/22/2013 | 419 |
261 | bminixhofer | Benjamin Minixhofer | 01/18/2017 | 415 |
262 | aguschin | Alexander Guschin | 05/24/2014 | 414 |
263 | andresionek | Andre Sionek | 01/13/2018 | 413 |
264 | yashvi | Yashvi Patel | 12/22/2017 | 412 |
265 | qiaojian | earhian | 11/07/2017 | 410 |
266 | apapiu | Alexandru Papiu | 08/14/2015 | 405 |
267 | jeongyoonlee | Jeong-Yoon Lee | 11/01/2011 | 403 |
268 | ckomaki | Komaki | 11/13/2012 | 403 |
269 | ldfreeman3 | LD Freeman | 11/19/2017 | 403 |
270 | joshuaswords | Josh | 01/05/2020 | 402 |
271 | zachmayer | Zach | 03/02/2011 | 400 |
272 | saurabhshahane | Saurabh Shahane | 10/26/2018 | 399 |
273 | sanarasheed | Sana Rasheed | 01/06/2015 | 397 |
274 | laurae2 | Laurae | 02/06/2016 | 396 |
275 | jasonbrownlee | Jason Brownlee | 07/31/2010 | 395 |
276 | andrej0marinchenko | Andrej Marinchenko | 06/12/2021 | 393 |
277 | dataraj | Raju Kumar Mishra | 12/31/2012 | 392 |
278 | yuval6967 | yuval reina | 01/15/2018 | 391 |
279 | rhgrossm | To Train Them Is My Cause | 12/08/2016 | 390 |
280 | annavictoria | Anna Montoya | 11/17/2014 | 388 |
281 | qiaoshiji | 0ct0pus | 12/26/2016 | 385 |
282 | ravichaubey1506 | Ravi Ranjan Chaubey | 03/13/2019 | 385 |
283 | adityaecdrid | Aditya Soni | 12/14/2016 | 383 |
284 | domcastro | Bluefool | 08/08/2010 | 382 |
285 | roydatascience | Ashish Gupta | 05/16/2018 | 382 |
286 | leustagos | Leustagos | 11/22/2011 | 380 |
287 | ratthachat | Jung | 10/27/2017 | 379 |
288 | antorsae | Andres Torrubia | 04/05/2011 | 377 |
289 | caesarlupum | Caesar Lupum | 08/18/2019 | 377 |
290 | bulentsiyah | Bulent Siyah | 08/04/2017 | 374 |
291 | rakshitvig | Rakshit Vig | 10/22/2021 | 374 |
292 | yassinealouini | Yassine Alouini | 03/10/2014 | 372 |
293 | yaroshevskiy | Oleg Yaroshevskiy | 11/21/2016 | 371 |
294 | iangoodfellow | Ian Goodfellow | 02/06/2013 | 370 |
295 | vetrirah | Vetrivel-PS | 08/04/2017 | 370 |
296 | corochann | corochann | 02/01/2016 | 369 |
297 | julian3833 | dataista0 (Julián Peller) | 07/09/2017 | 368 |
298 | louise2001 | Loulou | 08/22/2019 | 367 |
299 | kaanboke | Kaan BOKE | 06/14/2021 | 366 |
300 | meaninglesslives | Siddhartha | 08/11/2017 | 363 |
301 | rinnqd | Firas Baba | 04/04/2018 | 360 |
302 | harangdev | YoonSoo | 04/07/2018 | 360 |
303 | mvahit | MVK | 10/05/2019 | 360 |
304 | toshik | toshi_k | 03/07/2014 | 357 |
305 | shivan118 | shivan kumar | 06/11/2019 | 357 |
306 | bextuychiev | bexgboost | 03/17/2020 | 351 |
307 | lanjunyelan | yelan | 08/28/2018 | 350 |
308 | saurav9786 | Saurav Anand | 04/18/2019 | 350 |
309 | mulicmu | Mu Li | 01/19/2014 | 346 |
310 | arunkumarramanan | Arunkumar Venkataramanan | 03/08/2017 | 346 |
311 | yiheng | Yiheng Wang | 08/09/2016 | 345 |
312 | sreshta140 | Sreshta Putchala | 05/15/2019 | 344 |
313 | weimin | Weimin Wang | 06/04/2014 | 339 |
314 | samratp | Samrat Pandiri | 04/20/2017 | 339 |
315 | surajjha101 | Suraj Jha | 02/06/2022 | 337 |
316 | golubev | Vlad Golubev | 09/19/2017 | 336 |
317 | tezdhar | Mohsin hasan | 11/19/2014 | 334 |
318 | dempton | Konstantin Gavrilchik | 10/30/2016 | 333 |
319 | randylaosat | randy lao | 06/06/2017 | 333 |
320 | rounakbanik | Rounak Banik | 02/23/2017 | 332 |
321 | lordozvlad | Devlikamov Vlad | 06/10/2020 | 332 |
322 | tanlikesmath | ilovescience | 07/29/2016 | 330 |
323 | prashantkikani | Prashant Kikani | 09/16/2017 | 327 |
324 | longyin2 | LongYin/杰少 | 08/10/2017 | 322 |
325 | halimedogan | Halime Doğan | 11/08/2020 | 321 |
326 | chumajin | chumajin | 11/08/2019 | 319 |
327 | baomengjiao | spongebob | 03/23/2017 | 318 |
328 | gauravduttakiit | Gaurav Dutta | 03/28/2020 | 318 |
329 | tereka | tereka | 01/16/2015 | 317 |
330 | lyakaap | lyakaap | 07/29/2017 | 314 |
331 | sercanyesiloz | Sercan Yeşilöz | 03/11/2019 | 314 |
332 | mmoralesr | Mario Morales | 07/23/2020 | 314 |
333 | thedrcat | Darek Kłeczek | 10/11/2017 | 313 |
334 | tkm2261 | tkm2261 | 10/06/2015 | 311 |
335 | mahluo | Young for you | 04/21/2017 | 311 |
336 | carlolepelaars | Carlo Lepelaars | 05/31/2018 | 310 |
337 | aminizahra | Zahra Amini | 05/09/2021 | 310 |
338 | crained | Charlie Craine | 07/08/2014 | 304 |
339 | pjreddie | pjreddie | 09/12/2011 | 301 |
340 | onefourthlabs | One Fourth Labs | 01/17/2019 | 301 |
341 | lftuwujie | Jie Wu | 02/16/2016 | 300 |
342 | thomaskonstantin | Thomas Konstantin | 03/17/2020 | 300 |
343 | agoodman | Allen Goodman | 01/12/2018 | 298 |
344 | hasanbasriakcay | Hasan Basri Akçay | 06/22/2019 | 298 |
345 | anandhuh | Anandhu H | 11/04/2020 | 298 |
346 | iamsouravbanerjee | Sourav Banerjee | 03/25/2021 | 296 |
347 | utility | utility | 12/09/2014 | 295 |
348 | nigelcarpenter | Nigel Carpenter | 08/17/2011 | 294 |
349 | radek1 | Radek Osmulski | 02/02/2013 | 294 |
350 | hamelg | Greg Hamel | 04/08/2014 | 294 |
351 | thedevastator | The Devastator | 05/26/2022 | 294 |
352 | hamditarek | Tarek Hamdi | 02/27/2018 | 293 |
353 | naivelamb | Xuan Cao | 03/31/2017 | 292 |
354 | kellibelcher | Kelli Belcher | 06/14/2020 | 292 |
355 | group16 | Gilles Vandewiele | 10/15/2015 | 290 |
356 | poteman | poteman | 11/05/2015 | 290 |
357 | yufengg | Yufeng Guo | 07/26/2017 | 286 |
358 | funxexcel | Kunaal Naik | 11/19/2017 | 285 |
359 | muhammadahmed68 | Moezilda | 12/23/2020 | 285 |
360 | kritidoneria | KritiDoneria | 09/11/2017 | 284 |
361 | harunshimanto | Harun-Ur-Rashid | 10/07/2017 | 283 |
362 | heshamasem | Hesham Asem | 02/05/2018 | 282 |
363 | jagangupta | Jagan | 12/10/2015 | 280 |
364 | drhabib | DrHB | 03/27/2017 | 280 |
365 | vad13irt | Vadim Irtlach | 09/10/2020 | 280 |
366 | nicapotato | nicapotato | 01/13/2017 | 279 |
367 | sergeifironov | Sergei Fironov | 11/30/2012 | 278 |
368 | sgalib | Shai | 11/16/2016 | 278 |
369 | vicensgaitan | Vicens Gaitan | 11/04/2014 | 277 |
370 | fakeplastictrees | fakeplastictrees | 02/24/2014 | 275 |
371 | nagadomi | nagadomi | 01/27/2014 | 274 |
372 | marcovasquez | Marco Vasquez E | 08/09/2019 | 274 |
373 | brandao | Humberto Brandão, Ph.D. | 11/04/2015 | 273 |
374 | fatmakursun | Fatma Kurşun | 12/17/2017 | 273 |
375 | steamedsheep | sheep | 11/27/2016 | 272 |
376 | mathchi | Mehmet Akturk | 09/01/2019 | 272 |
377 | qwang88 | Qingchen | 01/17/2012 | 271 |
378 | ishivinal | Ouassim Adnane | 12/27/2016 | 271 |
379 | nejumi | YuyaYamamoto | 03/29/2016 | 269 |
380 | alincijov | Alin Cijov | 04/25/2020 | 268 |
381 | lystdo | icebai | 10/13/2016 | 267 |
382 | abhinand05 | Abhinand | 12/08/2018 | 266 |
383 | ayuraj | Ayush Thakur | 09/05/2018 | 265 |
384 | blurredmachine | Paras Varshney | 05/30/2020 | 264 |
385 | whitebird | bird | 12/12/2015 | 262 |
386 | fengari | Fengari | 03/11/2016 | 261 |
387 | aashita | Aashita Kesarwani | 12/23/2016 | 261 |
388 | nthanhtam | Tam T. Nguyen | 03/15/2013 | 259 |
389 | nickycan | 🐳鲲(China) | 10/23/2015 | 259 |
390 | matleonard | Mat Leonard | 04/18/2019 | 258 |
391 | seesee | See-- | 09/11/2016 | 256 |
392 | madz2000 | Madhav Mathur | 02/28/2020 | 255 |
393 | chizhu2018 | chizhu | 02/02/2018 | 254 |
394 | lava18 | Lavanya | 07/31/2018 | 254 |
395 | berkayalan | Berkay Alan | 05/23/2019 | 254 |
396 | triskelion | Triskelion | 07/20/2013 | 253 |
397 | nulldata | amrrs | 06/23/2015 | 252 |
398 | osciiart | OsciiArt | 03/31/2017 | 250 |
399 | seriousran | Chanran Kim | 08/01/2017 | 250 |
400 | mmotoki | Matt Motoki | 04/11/2015 | 249 |
401 | nxrprime | Trigram | 01/13/2020 | 249 |
402 | clustifier | clustifier | 11/11/2012 | 248 |
403 | peterhurford | Peter Hurford | 05/08/2014 | 246 |
404 | mihaskalic | Miha Skalic | 07/05/2014 | 246 |
405 | gcdatkin | Gabriel Atkin | 04/09/2019 | 246 |
406 | imoore | Moore | 06/20/2020 | 246 |
407 | jeffd23 | Jeff Delaney | 06/07/2016 | 245 |
408 | blindape | José A. Guerrero | 01/27/2011 | 243 |
409 | returnofsputnik | CoreyLevinson | 08/29/2017 | 243 |
410 | psycon | Batucan Senkal | 04/20/2020 | 242 |
411 | therealcyberlord | Xingyu Bian | 02/19/2019 | 239 |
412 | salmaneunus | Salman Ibne Eunus | 07/22/2019 | 239 |
413 | tetyanayatsenko | Tetyana Yatsenko | 12/13/2016 | 238 |
414 | terenceshin | Terence Shin | 09/13/2018 | 238 |
415 | davidthaler | David Thaler | 03/23/2013 | 237 |
416 | captcalculator | Troy Walters | 07/08/2015 | 237 |
417 | gvyshnya | Georgii Vyshnia | 05/23/2016 | 236 |
418 | jiashenliu | Jiashen Liu | 09/07/2016 | 236 |
419 | caesarmario | Mario Caesar | 07/22/2019 | 236 |
420 | amiras | Miras Amir | 09/05/2015 | 235 |
421 | takiba | iwiwi | 03/12/2012 | 234 |
422 | lovedm | 安静 | 04/09/2017 | 234 |
423 | hadeux | Woo Seung Han | 09/16/2019 | 232 |
424 | brsdincer | Baris Dincer | 03/27/2021 | 232 |
425 | hiro5299834 | BIZEN | 02/24/2015 | 231 |
426 | vincentlugat | Vincent Lugat | 03/06/2017 | 231 |
427 | a763337092 | Lindada | 09/16/2016 | 230 |
428 | ks2019 | KS | 06/29/2018 | 230 |
429 | kneroma | kkiller | 12/15/2017 | 229 |
430 | dulyanov | Dmitry Ulyanov | 01/27/2014 | 228 |
431 | wuyhbb | Yuanhao | 09/25/2017 | 228 |
432 | ceshine | Ceshine Lee | 05/14/2013 | 227 |
433 | ipythonx | M.Innat | 06/11/2018 | 227 |
434 | jeongbinpark | JeongBin Park | 10/28/2020 | 227 |
435 | kaggleteam | Kaggle Team | 03/24/2011 | 226 |
436 | ttahara | Tawara | 11/24/2015 | 226 |
437 | takoihiraokazu | Takoi | 05/24/2016 | 226 |
438 | backaggle | automata | 05/24/2018 | 226 |
439 | btgraham | Benjamin Graham | 12/01/2013 | 224 |
440 | underwearfitting | sin | 05/26/2020 | 223 |
441 | opanichev | Oleg Panichev | 06/10/2014 | 222 |
442 | bryanb | BryanB | 10/16/2016 | 220 |
443 | lucabasa | Luca Basanisi | 07/24/2017 | 220 |
444 | dynamic24 | dynamic24 | 04/23/2011 | 219 |
445 | meminozturk | Emin Ozturk | 05/13/2016 | 219 |
446 | phunghieu | Hieu Phung | 04/24/2018 | 219 |
447 | asuilin | Arthur Suilin | 04/20/2017 | 218 |
448 | nadintamer | Nadin Tamer | 09/08/2017 | 218 |
449 | frankmollard | 🌵 | 01/09/2020 | 218 |
450 | vyombhatia | vyom bhatia | 06/03/2020 | 218 |
451 | khahuras | Kha Vo | 04/17/2018 | 216 |
452 | zikazika | Noah Weber | 03/31/2018 | 215 |
453 | piantic | Heroseo | 07/22/2019 | 215 |
454 | reighns | Hongnan G | 07/17/2019 | 214 |
455 | ligtfeather | Tanishq Gautam | 08/04/2019 | 214 |
456 | loaiabdalslam | Loai abdalslam | 10/07/2018 | 213 |
457 | azizozmen | Aziz Özmen | 06/25/2021 | 213 |
458 | solorzano | José H. Solórzano | 07/21/2010 | 212 |
459 | markpeng | Mark Peng | 05/29/2014 | 211 |
460 | liaofz | Fangzhou Liao | 01/10/2016 | 211 |
461 | sonalisingh1411 | 🚀𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡 | 05/29/2019 | 211 |
462 | icecuber | icecuber | 07/16/2016 | 210 |
463 | daishu | daishu | 05/29/2017 | 210 |
464 | mariapushkareva | Marie | 10/08/2018 | 210 |
465 | coreacasa | Manuel Campos | 11/28/2017 | 209 |
466 | aquatic | Joe Eddy | 03/27/2016 | 208 |
467 | khsamaha | Kheirallah Samaha | 11/18/2016 | 208 |
468 | phoenix9032 | Doomsday | 09/11/2018 | 208 |
469 | jizhouwei | Jizhou Wei | 11/11/2020 | 208 |
470 | nroman | Roman | 03/06/2018 | 207 |
471 | goldens | Golden | 07/24/2018 | 207 |
472 | nareshbhat | Naresha Bhat | 12/27/2019 | 207 |
473 | xucheng | 大顺 | 06/19/2017 | 206 |
474 | yogidsba | Yogita Darade | 01/28/2021 | 205 |
475 | aishwarya2210 | Padmavathi D | 12/30/2021 | 203 |
476 | dslate | David J. Slate | 08/05/2010 | 202 |
477 | pliptor | Oscar Takeshita | 04/13/2017 | 202 |
478 | hely333 | Dandelion | 03/23/2018 | 202 |
479 | zaharch | nosound | 09/13/2018 | 202 |
480 | finlay | MaXXX | 05/24/2016 | 201 |
481 | nitindatta | Nitin Datta | 07/21/2018 | 200 |
482 | morizin | Mohammed Rizin V K | 07/28/2019 | 200 |
483 | authman | عثمان | 02/28/2017 | 199 |
484 | andy2709 | NguyenThanhNhan | 06/20/2017 | 199 |
485 | utkukubilay | Utku_Kubilay | 05/25/2019 | 199 |
486 | ejlok1 | Eu Jin Lok | 10/21/2010 | 198 |
487 | jtrotman | James Trotman | 05/05/2015 | 198 |
488 | kylinorange | Jun Xie | 04/28/2017 | 198 |
489 | bguberfain | Bruno G. do Amaral | 09/02/2014 | 197 |
490 | bolkonsky | YuryBolkonsky | 07/30/2017 | 197 |
491 | tikutiku | Tom | 01/19/2018 | 197 |
492 | niharika41298 | Niharika Pandit | 01/20/2019 | 197 |
493 | anshuls235 | Anshul Sharma | 10/11/2017 | 196 |
494 | ruslankl | def me(x) | 12/26/2017 | 196 |
495 | nancyalaswad90 | Ms. Nancy Al Aswad | 11/22/2018 | 196 |
496 | linshokaku | deoxy | 11/27/2019 | 196 |
497 | goldenlock | gezi | 05/06/2012 | 195 |
498 | arbazkhan971 | ask9 | 10/21/2017 | 195 |
499 | marcuslin | Marcus Lin | 12/04/2017 | 195 |
500 | ubamba98 | Udbhav Bamba | 12/14/2017 | 195 |
Big names in the top 10, and among them yours truly at rank 7. Which is mind-blowing, to be honest. Among the ten most followed Kagglers in the world. Wow. I hope that I can give interesting ideas and inspiration back to the community.
Seeing Abhishek Thakur in 1st place is no surprise. He was the first 3 x Grandmaster and 4 x Grandmaster, and constantly shares great knowledge on Kaggle and through his popular Youtube channel. SRK, another 4 x GM, was already a Kaggle legend when I joined the platform. And bestfitting has just reclaimed the title of Competitions #1, which they had previously held for several years.
Feel free to scroll through the table and you will recognise many names from Kaggle’s past or present.
Get ready for networking
To wrap up this post, we will prepare a compact dataset which we can then feed into the network analysis tools that I want to practice in the upcoming post. We could do that already based on the UserFollowers.csv
file only. But I’d like to work with the user names instead.
In this notation, user_1
is being followed by user_2
. We’re also keeping track of the CreationDate
, which is the date
at which the follow began. And of the Kaggle tiers (e.g. Expert, Master) of both users. The new dataset only contains relationships between the top 500 followed Kagglers.
follow_network <- follow |>
left_join(top500 |> select(user_1 = UserName,
tier_1 = PerformanceTier,
followers_1 = n,
FollowingUserId), by = "FollowingUserId") |>
left_join(top500 |> select(user_2 = UserName,
tier_2 = PerformanceTier,
followers_2 = n,
UserId = FollowingUserId), by = "UserId") |>
filter(! & ! |>
mutate(date = mdy(CreationDate)) |>
select(user_1, user_2, tier_1, tier_2, followers_1, followers_2, date)
Here are the first few rows to illustrate what the file looks like. Those rows show the Kaggle founder and now former CEO Anthony Goldblum following his Co-Founder Ben Hamner and a few other people:
follow_network |>
head(5) |>
gt() |>
user_1 | user_2 | tier_1 | tier_2 | followers_1 | followers_2 | date |
benhamner | antgoldbloom | 3 | 2 | 1526 | 996 | 2017-05-23 |
kmader | antgoldbloom | 4 | 2 | 1614 | 996 | 2018-08-07 |
lavanyashukla01 | antgoldbloom | 2 | 2 | 876 | 996 | 2019-09-18 |
imdevskp | antgoldbloom | 3 | 2 | 494 | 996 | 2020-03-08 |
parulpandey | antgoldbloom | 4 | 2 | 3974 | 996 | 2020-04-27 |
This is all for the scope of this post. See the next posts for a continuation of this analysis and a deeper dive into Kaggle community dynamics. Have fun!